Duration : 3 Months / 108 Hours
➤ Focus on fluency and coherence: – A lot of exercises will be given to the candidate in the form of brief conversations closely associated with the day to day life, such as routines job, sport, games a great number of times either in front of a mirror practice, listening news on Radio/ TV or cassettes, as instructed by the trainer. Coherence (linking words phrases etc) gives sense and life to the dialogues.
Linking words and phrases are to be practiced by the trainees as directed. Fluency and coherence has got great importance in conversations.
➤ Structural styles (both basic and enhanced): – Basic auxiliaries and its applications. For eg: – Various usages of auxiliary verbs, modals, semi modals, tenses clauses, connectives, gerundial constructions, Participle constructions, infinitive constructions and so on.
➤ Accent: – The trainees are introduced with best public school pronunciation (PSP) and Received Pronunciation (R.P).
➤ Practice for interviews: –
Part I: – A systematic approach to the interviews. It consists of the methods of greeting, decency and decorum to be maintained when the interview takes place, such as occulence (eye to eye contact), pleasant posture (neither excessively relaxed nor apprehensive). No much gestures or gesticulations. Introduction of vocabularies / phrases etc to be used when commenting on a topic/ factual descriptions or negative / positive expressions, emphasizing factors etc.
Part II: – Description of various topic logically.
Part III: – Talks broadly in connection with the above mentioned topic where one has to express the strength in language.
➤ Drafting letter
➤ Extempore speech: – Speech without previous preparations, we will impart training by giving individual attention.
➤ Etiquette: – Extension of decorum at various occasions/ contexts such as method of welcome / introduction, leave taking, expressing felicitations / grief / consolation / concern etc.
➤ Heuristics: – A method of finding answers and solving problems by reading or listening.
➤ Thread bare discussion over various topics: – A systematic way of discussions ( In the right perspective)